Acting as a Portfolio Risk Manager, you will support the Team monitoring the financial health of Airbus' suppliers in one or more areas of the supply chain. You will support with financial analysis based on past performance (horizontal/vertical ratio analysis) and future performance (building simulations and scenario analysis).
You will contribute & support the Procurement Teams to the Suppliers Financial Risk Committee preparation, incl. providing financial inputs to the dossier preparation, building scenarios and support in the identification and assessment of de-risking strategies.
You will support Procurement Teams in crisis management, Request For Proposal selection process, Merger & Acquisition activities and strategic initiatives.
You will contribute to increase financial awareness outside of Finance and deliver training to the Procurement community with a focus on financial metrics and concepts.
Financial Analysis
- Deliver financial analysis for both private and listed companies with focus on: revenues and business trends; profitability and cost structure; balance sheet health (incl. indebtedness and capital structure); liquidity and cash generation performance; peers benchmark analysis.
- Assess suppliers’ investment capacity and build simulations & scenario analysis based on specific information and macro-trend (ie. Covid crisis impact), work packages award / removal from Airbus, business combinations, etc.
- Maintain and develop financial models and analytical tools used by the Team.